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  • As part of the Church, the body of Christ ICDFANZ acknowledges one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit who has revealed Himself and the way of salvation through the Bible, and affirms:

  • The sovereignty, grace and love of God the Father in Creation and Redemption.

  • The atoning death, bodily resurrection and return of Jesus of Nazareth, the Messiah, God the Son, Savior and Lord of all, acknowledging that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life, and that no one comes to the Father except through Him. | John 14:6

  • The indwelling work of God the Holy Spirit in regenerating, sanctifying and empowering the believer


We work together in the church to bring more freedom, healing and joy into the body of Christ through the experience of moving in worship, prayer and exercise.

We aim to be a bridge from the church into the world where dance is enjoyed as entertainment, therapy, fitness and spiritual exploration.  We aim to honour Jesus Christ through the creative arts and help build unity in the body of Christ.


We desire to honour and represent God who has expressed his nature in this world through creating beauty, colour, movement, variety and community.  ​

We engage in fellowship, teamwork, sharing of resources and training for effectiveness and excellence, encouraging one another in love and truth.



We seek to be God's people impacting the world with the life of Jesus, experiencing and expressing this in dance and movement inspired by the Holy Spirit.

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